When it comes to initial OSHA HAZWOPER training, there are both 24-hour and a 40-hour courses available. But what’s the difference between these two courses and how do you know which is the right course to take for your training?
Which HAZWOPER Training Course Do I Need?
24-Hour HAZWOPER Training
The 24-hour HAZWOPER training course is designed for employees who will be working in the vicinity of hazardous substances and may occasionally be exposed to such materials, but will not be faced with these hazards on a daily basis nor of handling or cleaning up hazardous materials.
These employees will not be exposed to hazardous substances at or above the Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs). PELs are established by the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) – See Table Z-1 for Air Contaminant Limits.
40-Hour HAZWOPER Training
The 40-hour HAZWOPER training course is designed for employees who work regularly with hazardous materials or will be involved in the storage, treatment, or cleanup operations of such materials in a daily capacity.
40-hour training is also required for any workers who will be exposed to hazardous substances at or above the Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs).

HAZWOPER 24 & 40 Hour Course Requirements
24-Hour HAZWOPER Course Requirements
The 24 Hour HAZWOPER course requires 24 hours of online HAZWOPER training. All 24 hours of training may be conducted online. In addition to the 24 hours of online study, a minimum of one day of field experience with a trained and experienced supervisor is required to cover on-the-job specifics and must be provided by the employer at no cost to the employee.
40-Hour HAZWOPER Course Requirements
The 40-Hour HAZWOPER course requires 40 hours of training time which can be taken entirely online. In addition to the 40 hours of online training, a minimum of three days of field experience with a trained and experienced supervisor is needed in order to cover on-the-job specifics. As with the 24 Hour course this on-site instruction must be provided by the employer at no cost to the employee.
Since this cohort will be exposed to hazardous substances that exceed the PELs, they must know how to wear the appropriate PPE. 40-hour certification requires employees to be able to physically wear a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and a fully-encapsulating suit.
Who Must Complete 24 or 40-Hour HAZWOPER Training?
OSHA HAZWOPER training is required for anyone who works at a contaminated site. If your workplace is a designated HAZWOPER site under OSHA regulation 29 CFR 1910.120, you will need to take either the 24-hour or 40-hour HAZWOPER training course.
Register to get HAZWOPER certified
Use our detailed course curriculum pages to register for the appropriate training course to get HAZWOPER certified today – you can register individually for yourself or sign up your entire team and enjoy generous group seat discounts.